ProgramCode Identifier of the contribution Title Title of the contribution SubmissionDateTime Timestamp of submission in Indico (some program elements were invited by the organizers) AcceptedFormat Format of the submission as accepted by the Program Committee (after review) PresentationType Type of presentation at the conference as accepted by the Program Committee (after review) CompetencyFrameworkBestMatch Choice of one of the digital preservation competencies as defined in the DPC Competency Framework (intended for audience guidance) ConferenceTheme Choice of one of the three conference themes from the Call for Contributions Abstract_MARKDOWN Rich text abstract of the contribution (contains markdown and/or HTML markup) ScispaceParaphrasedAbstract Short paraphrase in simple English of the abstract, generated with Scispace (intended for audience guidance) Presenters List of the people presenting at the conference Authors List of the main authors of the contribution Co-Authors List of the co-authors of the contribution PublicationLocation URL of the published contribution PosterImageLocation URL of the PNG image of the conference poster DOI DOI of the published contribution as full URI PresentationDate Date of the presentation at the conference PresentationStart Start time of the presentation at the conference PresentationDuration Duration of the presentation at the conference PresentationMaterials URL of the materials used for the presentation at the conference VenueCode Identifier of the room where the presentation was held during the conference SessionTitle Title of the conference session where this contribution was presented SessionVideoLocation URL of the video registration of the conference session where this contribution was presented CollaborativeNotesLocation URL of the collaborative notes taken by participants at the conference session where this contribution was presented License License granted for this contribution