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Instructions for Digital Preservation Bake-off Demo Showcase Proposals

Published onJan 11, 2024
Instructions for Digital Preservation Bake-off Demo Showcase Proposals

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  • This Release (#1) was created on Jan 19, 2024 ()
  • The latest Release (#5) was created on May 24, 2024 ().

The Program Committee invites proposals for a Digital Preservation ‘Bake-Off’ Challenge.  Although there is no actual baking at the conference, the whimsical name of this activity sets the light-hearted tone to a serious purpose.

The Digital Preservation Bake-Off Challenge is a friendly competition between solution providers, tool or workflow developers, as well as data wranglers, who are demonstrating their products, tools or workflows while allowing participants to observe the process and verify the claims that are being made.

The actual challenges are provided to the Bakers two weeks before the conference. The Bakers can choose which challenge they want to address and showcase their dish against. At the bake-off session, a group of ‘judges’ present the challenge (i.e. a common set of inputs and requirements), and the Bakers are then given a fixed amount of time to showcase in a live or pre-recorded demo how their digital dish meets the requirements. At the end of the allotted time, the judges assess whether the participants have achieved the desired goal, invite audience feedback and award prizes accordingly.

This approach means that participants are able to demonstrate their systems, tools and workflows based on real world problems selected by the community. Also, participants are able to learn from the experience itself to improve their tools to meet community needs and produce a required output using their toolkits and workflows. 

Who can submit?

Bake-Off challenge proposals should demonstrate practical solutions to impediments in the preservation of digital materials, e.g. integrating digital preservation into line-of-business systems, thorny content types, metadata extraction and handling, meeting user requirements, scaling up, or achieving greater efficiencies while not sacrificing quality of outcomes…

Submissions may relate to end-to-end systems or more specific tools and applications. Only the common set of inputs and requirements can be used in the demo.

How to Submit to the Bake-off

A simple indication of the tool you wish to demo is required. 

The abstract will not be published in the proceedings and there will be an option for the bake-off facilitators to submit a short report for the proceedings, depending on ability of reviewers and contributors to meet the deadline.

  • Contributions for the Bake-off are due by 15 May 2024

  • Template: participants must fill out the form in Indico.

  • All collaborators in the demo should be identified and the presenters should be marked.

  • You should clearly indicate if you intend to present live or pre-recorded or hybrid. The conference may not be able to fully support your wishes and submitters should be open to work with conference organizers to organize a great experience.

More help: webinar and drop-in sessions

We kicked off the submissions with a webinar on Jan 11th. You can watch it here and ask your questions in our online drop-in sessions.

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